The High Court of Allahabad has issued a stern warning to the Superintendent of Siddharth Nagar District Jail for keeping a man in illegal confinement for eight months just because his middle name - Kumar - was missing from the bail order. The Jail Superintendent Rakesh Singh was told to be careful in matters of release of inmates after Court orders their release. Singh appeared before the HC & filed an affidavit stating that the applicant was released from prison on Dec 8, 2020. While keeping the affidavit of compliance on record, Justice JJ Munir said, “This court has perused the affidavit filed by the jail superintendent. The explanation furnished for non-compliance with this court’s order, and, in consequence, delaying release of the applicant is reluctantly accepted. The personal presence of the jail superintendent is exempted. He is warned to remain careful in future.” The applicant’s name in bail order was shown as ‘Vinod Baruaar’. His bail application was earlier rejected b...